Thursday, 28 January 2010


My first attempt of felting, I think it has turned out quite successful!
The larger majority of our class all got the opportunity to create our own piece of felting. We were given a large choice of coloured sheep wool. Firstly we had to get two sheets of grey fabric (I have forgotten the name of it though ) then we chose our coloured wool, teased it out and evenly placed a layer of it going in the same direction on top of one of the grey fabric pieces, then either with the same or different coloured wool lay another layer this time crossing over(e.g first layer horizontal second layer vertical)
For my sample I used a light green for my first layer and then the grey colour you can see on top for my second layer, I then put a creamy fabric down put purple wool on top of that. Then wrapped woolen thread around my fingers to make the loops. After i was happy with that I sandwiched it in between the grey fabric and tacked the two pieces together, going around the outside of my sample. Then Leah put it in the way so that it felted and hey presto!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

So this is my idea so far! Im still taking the design further. Im really keen on creating a shoulder piece that has the qualities of a sort of hand held fan, as on quite a lot of dresses from back in the victorian era they have folded shoulders so I am looking to recreate that idea but with a modern twist.

I am thinking of combining a lot of different medias, such as felting and also etched metals and chain, but I still need to play about with the idea first i think by making moquettes.

So thats my idea so far!

Project 3- Catwalk

So for our first project of semester 2, we have been asked to create an extravagant and unusual piece of catwalk jewellery. Which has been inspired by a culture or specific period in time.

Over the christmas holidays i spent quite a lot of the time looking into carious fashion shows and i have to say i extremely enjoyed this part of this project! however i found that deciding on which or what culture/time a little bit more difficult! So after a LOT of humming and hoeing i finally made the decision to go with the Victorian era. So far i looked at the architecture, gables, handles, letter boxes, fashion and some jewellery. I love the huge bums and tiny waists that are all over the fashion in the victorian era!

This is an example of a page from my sketchbook.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

'Floating ring'

I found a selection of floating rings by JooYung Paek while i was browsing around on the internet, so these are my two favourite! I think that they are soooo sweet! Totally impractical but dead sweet!

Lukka Sigufardottir

Ok, so this is an image of a wedding dress by Lukka Sigufardottir. Well you may have already seen that it has a large yellow/green/pink area in it?? Its not just a wedding dress ITS A CAKE ASWELL!! Yes thats right this designer has taken wedding cakes to a whole different level!

What do you think?